Tasmania, island of inspiration :)

At least it has inspired me to write this blog at least....

Anyway I am back after a break, just taking to time to settle back into my old world. No I didn't stop my story of Tasmania half way. And yes of course as I mentioned earlier, we did have a great trip. We'll be extra cautions to make sure any such travel plan gets executed seamlessly unlike a project in office....right?:)

Well, we started our journey on a Saturday morning flight, with an initial hiccups of flight getting delayed leaving Shreya bored and frustrated. Reached Hobart an hour late anticipating a big airport with lots of Cafe's to fill our morning,hungry stomach. But the 'look and feel' was EXACTLY same as Managalore airport + a sniffer dog :). So before we realized we were picking up our rented car started our Tasmania journey. Just by the knowledge of not having GPS in the car we felt kind of lost and then actually lost our way inside Hobart city. I was suppose the be holding the map and guiding Prasanna, but before I realized that we entered the city, we almost reached the end :(.

It was totally unlike anything of the mainland Aussie has. Firstly Hobart city, is sandwiched between a huge mountain and the sea. View of the city itself is totally something which I hadn't anticipated. Then the size of it, I better call it a town rather than a city. It has two main roads, both one way. We realized then, why they didn't provide any GPS service.

Coming back to the story, we were lost, so we decided follow the road ahead which, as a signboard promised to take us to Mount Wellington. Being first time lucky that day, I spotted a Cafe which served us delicious Nachos with cheese and coffee. During a conversation with other travelers in the homely place, discovered we were about to see snow covered peak, leaving us in full excitement to reach to the top.

It was a first time 'snow' experience for Shreya, so what started as a fully confident expedition ended up in tears. Realizing how cold it was she even held her hand together after covering it with pair of socks to keep them warm for a long time till she saw another safe place to play with only little snow.
For us, view of Tasmania's south east coastline through the scattered clouds, I should tell you, is almost half of the 'paisa vasul' from the trip. From the first time I spotted Mount Wellington while entering Hobart till we reached and tip, I was getting more and more convinced, relived - I didn't do a blunder in choosing the destination :)

After spending the day in lovely Hobart city and a nice Indian dinner at night, we ventured into following convict trail next day morning.

It was a similar scenic country side as Victoria with lots of pretty villages, but the coast line is quite different. Ocean looked more like river and mountains are pieces of land cut in various shapes thrown randomly in water. There were very different formations in each corner, looked as if nature wanted to show off her artistic capabilities. But she had a strong competition from human race in Port Aurthur. A ancient convict city which was destroyed earlier this century but restored few decades earlier. It was very different experience to be in a erstwhile prisoner's kingdom.

On the way further, out of curiosity, I explored 'Sunday fruit market' in Sorell, which was almost like a 'Sante/Village Mela' in our terms. But more interesting part was there was less of fruits and more of second hand items, including kitchen to wall hangings out on sale.

Day ended with a long drive along with the coast line in dark to reach a nice cozy, homely duplex apartment. Shreya was fully excited about the wooden stairs that made noise.

Next again was quite exciting with red and pink coast of Freycinet National Park and Coles Bay. Short trek up to the Mt Amos to get the view of Wine glass bay was really worth. Though I was bit disappointed that we cannot reach many of the famous spots there such as Hazards Bay, which is around 4 hours walk :(

After a relaxing time at honeymoon bay the national park with crystal clear water and pink rocks, we headed back. Sad part of the return journey was food. We didn't had get anything till early evening, our life saviour was subway in Sorell.

With filled stomach we reached airport an hour early than expected, not really relying anything on airport restaurants. It was a nice to sit and wait for time to pass while recollecting the wonderful time we had over the weekend. A trip that would stay in memory for a long time. I didn't mind getting back to India, my project Tasmania was executed successfully....


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