Shreya starts talking!!

I completely agree with all who mentioned to me earlier about the 'learning talk' is a best phase of kid's growing. This is the phase Shryea is in right now...trying to converse with 2-3 words putting together. It has been really good to spend whole day listening to her complaints, explanations and giving her own version of trips, outings.

Last month when we started from India, she was able to speak most of the daily use words, mostly Kannada, few English, only a word at a time. She was not showing much interest in combining these words or making a conversation.

During our first week of stay here, one day when I was making her dinner she started saying 'Kurchi mele kothkondu' (I'll have food sitting on the chair), taking us by surprise. Slowly each day there were more sentences started getting added up. Then she started with her favorite rhymes, 'Teddy bear teddy bear turn around', it has become 'Teddy bear, teddy bear, turn nanana round'.... then 'Twinkle twinkle little star' has become 'Tinkul tinkul tittle tar'...Many more songs are getting a new life with her words.

It is amazing to see how her imagination and grasping works. I started teaching her to recognize colors, first few days everything was only 'Kempu banna'(RED colour). So I started comparing each color with her favorite objects. So Orange became 'Kittehan banna', Green became 'Yele banna'(Color of leaves). I was finding it hard to define blue, finally I told her it is the color of sky, that is 'Akasha banna'. I was surprised to hear her saying 'Australia banna' next time I asked her. Finally found the analogy, she always relates sky with aeroplane and aeroplane with Australia. Hence 'Akasha banna' has become 'Australia banna', it is becoming impossible for me to change the definition of blue now.

Even though in all ways it is seems nice and cute, there are some uncomfortable side to her talking as well. Whenever we climb up a tram or a elevator crowded with people, she starts saying 'Doddolu beda'(I don't want, grown up people) on the face of people who talk to her. Thankfully no one can understand her here, but I'm worried about situation after going back to Bangalore next week. Also worried about more things that she will able to learn and use it in public.

Whatever said and done, I feel gratified see my little doll expressing herself in words, be it conveying expectation from an outing mentioning, 'samudra, man aata, penguine, kaka' whenever I dress her up. Or expressing her disappointment as 'appa innu barle illa' (Appa hasn't come yet). I guess everyone including our parents have gone through this phase. It is really nice part of being parent I feel :).


  1. Wow, that's nice to know about Shreya talking. Australia banna is really funny one :-)


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