Aussie Trip - Starting with a good note

Thanks to Singapore airlines and Shreya's travel friendliness...I never expected it to be so smooth.

From the time we boarded taxi we expected her to start getting impatient to get out of the car. But it never happened. She was really co-operative through the painful journey to airport with lots of traffic jams. Even after reaching, she was totally excited about everything in the airport, be it and baggage trolley or the line separators she was happily running around, talking to strangers without her usual anxiety.

I was happy to see the new Bangaluru airport as well. It is a good place like any other international airport. I was puzzled on why people keep complaining for not being up to the mark.

Then there was a huge disappoint about not getting a bassinet and seat together between Singapore to Melbourne. Both me and Prasanna were anxious asking ourselves how are we going to manage Shreya for such long flight.

Bangalore to Singapore flight was reasonable with Shreya sleeping throughout the journey and even after that. So, we had to drop the plan of roaming around and shopping in Changi Airport. I took opportunity and took nice nap in the lounge along with Shreya.

Journey from Singapore to Melbourne was turned out to be even more smoother. We learnt that airlines had allocated a full seat for Shreya since they couldn't provide a basinet. Shreya had a full blast looking out of the window, playing with the toys and books.
I watched 'The Proposal', a complete movie which I watched in few years.
There was a good view of Australian landscape, deserts and mostly flat lands.

Finally we arrive at the land of kangaroos and amazing landscapes. Cool breeze of evening was welcoming us. Still didn't really feel we are out of India with an Indian taxi taking us to the apartment and a fine Indian dinner with veg kebabs, briyani from rangoli, an Indian restaurant next door to our hotel.
Got a good start for the trip, lot to explore in my dream holiday destination. Let me see how much I can within a month.


  1. exited to go through your travlouge,felt very proud of you have written it so nicely,good language.keep it up.eager to read next.


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